Oral hygiene - teeth cleaning in Vienna

Frequently asked questions

Let your smile shine with professional oral hygiene and teeth whitening by our experienced team of experts at Smile4Life Vienna!

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Frequently Asked Questions

All information about oral hygiene - teeth cleaning - teeth whitening - bleaching in Vienna!
What is a prophylaxis assistant or dental hygienist?

The profession of a prophylaxis assistant is defined as an important part of the dental team that prevents dental problems in adults and children. Dental hygienists, just like your dentist, are concerned with maintaining their patients' teeth to achieve an optimal clinical outcome. A hygienist assesses a patient's oral health during a thorough examination, looking at the condition of both the teeth and the gums. It is essential for your long-term dental health that you are informed about how unwanted dental problems such as plaque, cavities, tartar, bad breath and other bacteria can cause further dental complications.

How much does a dental cleaning appointment cost?

A dental hygiene visit costs €150, which includes dental hygiene, the services of a prophylaxis assistant and all personal protective equipment. Please contact us for more details on our current fees for dental hygiene appointments. You can also book online.

What happens during oral hygiene?

A dental hygienist offers professional dental cleanings and comprehensive oral hygiene consultations for her patients. As an expert in the field of oral care, she specializes in thoroughly cleaning teeth, removing plaque and stains and then polishing teeth to restore your smile's radiance, making her your ideal contact for the latest information and valuable tips on all aspects of oral hygiene. She can answer all your questions about dental care and address your specific oral health concerns. If necessary, she can also give you recommendations for healthy eating habits to support your dental health, and if your dentist notices any signs of a hygiene-related problem, such as gum disease, they will be happy to refer you to our qualified dental hygienist to ensure you receive the best possible care.

Does treatment by a dental hygienist hurt?

Dental plaque removal during a regular appointment for professional teeth cleaning by our experienced dental hygienist may occasionally cause temporary discomfort or sensitivity to the teeth. To ensure that your experience is as comfortable as possible, we offer local anesthesia prior to the removal of plaque or discoloration, as well as prior to performing a powder jet treatment. During our initial consultation with a member of our expert team, we will take the time to discuss all aspects of your dental hygiene appointment in detail. This gives you the opportunity to express your concerns and questions openly so that we can address them specifically and give you a feeling of safety and security before your treatment. Put your trust in our expertise for a radiant smile!

Is oral hygiene paid for by ÖGK?

Oral hygiene is generally not included in the scope of services provided by ÖGK and is therefore a private service. There is usually no reimbursement of costs.

Does oral hygiene at the dentist make sense?

Professional oral hygiene is particularly helpful in areas that are difficult or impossible to reach with a normal toothbrush. Teeth are cleaned thoroughly and inflammation is prevented. Freedom from inflammation is important for the entire body.

How long no coffee after oral hygiene?

How can I avoid discoloration after professional teeth cleaning? To avoid discoloration after a professional tooth cleaning, you should avoid staining foods and drinks for at least 24 hours. This includes coffee, tea, red wine and certain juices.

Is professional teeth cleaning really necessary?

Inflammation in the mouth can even cause cardiovascular diseases, strokes and lung diseases. Blood sugar levels in diabetes can also be negatively affected by poor oral hygiene.

What happens if you don't practice oral hygiene?

Invisalign is effective in most cases. In difficult cases, it is likely that splints will need to be reordered 1 or 2 times. Further examinations must follow.

Can you get tooth decay despite good oral hygiene?

Tooth decay can occur despite good dental care, but with the right measures you can significantly reduce your risk of tooth decay. An effective dental care routine, regular visits to the dentist, a healthy diet and a balanced lifestyle are important factors in keeping your teeth healthy.

Is removing tartar the same as cleaning teeth?

Professional teeth cleaning (PZR) is used to remove plaque, biofilm and tartar, even in hard-to-reach areas. It is intended to improve oral health and reduce the risk of tooth decay and periodontitis. Tartar removal is used exclusively to remove tartar that is deposited above the gums.

How can you whiten your teeth at home?

Home whitening kits or gels are available commercially. However, as this procedure usually involves some form of bleaching agent, we believe that it is best carried out under the supervision of a qualified professional, such as your dentist, in order to achieve the highest possible quality standards in terms of patient safety and aesthetic results.

How long does tooth whitening last? Is tooth whitening permanent?

We assume that the whitening effect of your teeth whitening treatment will last 6-18 months on average, but is not permanent. How long your teeth retain the desired color depends on your diet and oral hygiene after treatment. Your newly whitened teeth are more susceptible to discoloration that some foods and drinks can cause over time - for example, red wine, tea, coffee, cola. It may be wise to limit or even eliminate such foods from your diet to prolong the aesthetically pleasing results you now enjoy after treatment.

How can teeth be whitened immediately?

Good everyday oral hygiene can be the best way to get whiter teeth. To improve your dental hygiene, you could consider our bleaching, which promises longer-lasting results.

Does teeth whitening hurt?

With every tooth whitening treatment, tooth sensitivity and irritated gums may occur after the whitening treatment. These symptoms are usually short-lived and can be treated with conventional painkillers. So if you notice that these side effects last longer than three days, please contact your dentist here at the dental practice for a follow-up examination. In the end, you will have a healthy, pain-free, white smile.

How can you whiten yellow teeth?

Please note that our teeth whitening treatment can only lighten the enamel by two to three shades. If your teeth are significantly yellowish in color, you may notice that the white enamel is thinning and exposing the dentin underneath, which is more yellow in color. In this case, you may want to consider the treatment option with Lumineers and Veneers, which we also offer at our dental practice - just ask your dentist for full details at your next appointment with us.

Does bleaching have disadvantages?

Teeth may become hypersensitive after bleaching. This is usually a sensitivity to temperature, especially cold. The main cause of this sensitivity is the penetration of the bleaching agent through the enamel and dentin to the pulp.

How much damage does bleaching do to teeth?

In short: In principle, bleaching does not damage the teeth. However, anyone who opts for over-the-counter products from the internet or drugstores for whitening is definitely taking a higher risk of damaging their teeth and gums if they use them uncontrolled!

How long does oral hygiene take?

The duration of an oral hygiene appointment varies depending on the condition of the teeth and gums. A normal appointment lasts between 50 and 55 minutes. To minimize the time required for an oral hygiene appointment, it may be advisable to create a schedule of regular check-ups as instructed and maintain the highest standards of oral hygiene between your appointments with our team. After your initial consultation with us, we will be best placed to advise you in detail on your individual case as it is presented to us.

How often should you have your teeth cleaned?

The optimal schedule for regular dental hygiene appointments can best be determined for you individually after your initial consultation with your and then recommended. We usually recommend regular six-monthly check-ups with your dentist and dental hygienist to ensure that you have a healthy mouth and a healthy smile.

What is guided biofilm therapy?

Guided Biofilm Therapy is the systematic, predictable solution for the treatment of dental biofilm. It consists of treatment protocols based on individual patient diagnosis and risk assessment. Treatment is carried out in the least invasive way and with the highest level of comfort, safety and efficiency.

What is the oral hygiene procedure?

The main goal of a dental hygienist is the long-term preservation of your teeth. Regular and thorough check-ups assess the health of your teeth and gums at an early stage. This is followed by a precise professional dental cleaning to ensure that your teeth are optimally cared for. Your dental hygienist carefully removes plaque and discoloration and ensures that your teeth regain their natural shine through effective polishing. She will also offer you valuable tips for a personalized oral hygiene routine that not only promotes your oral health, but also preserves your radiant smile in the long term. Rely on the expertise of your dental hygienist for a healthy and attractive smile!

How do dental hygienists remove plaque?

Our dedicated team of dental hygienists will thoroughly clean even the hard-to-reach areas of your mouth. Special hand instruments and the innovative Airflow air stream are used to effectively remove plaque. If you would like to get an impression of our modern and first-class equipment before your treatment, please do not hesitate to contact us - we look forward to hearing from you!
Please note that thorough oral hygiene is essential for the health of your teeth and gums. The daily use of an electric toothbrush and the use of dental floss or interdental brushes play a decisive role. With careful oral hygiene, you can successfully prevent numerous health risks and problems!

Is oral hygiene paid for by the BVA?

Will the costs for my oral hygiene be covered? Yes. The requirements for adolescents and adults can be found under the link "Dental treatment and oral hygiene" on the BVA website. If you use a dentist of your choice, the costs can be reimbursed under the contractual tariff.

How many times a year for oral hygiene?

Brushing your teeth every day is the basis for healthy teeth. We also recommend professional teeth cleaning once or twice a year.

Until when is oral hygiene free?

Up to the age of 18, from July 1, 2018, professional oral hygiene once a year at the expense of social health insurance. During the phase of orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances, the service can be provided twice a year at the expense of social health insurance.

Can oral hygiene be submitted?

If oral hygiene is carried out by a doctor of your choice, you must first pay the bill yourself and then submit it to the relevant health insurance fund for reimbursement.

What is the difference between normal teeth cleaning and professional teeth cleaning?

While prophylaxis is more preventative and includes instructions for self-care, professional teeth cleaning is a more intensive cleaning that removes hard-to-reach deposits and leaves your mouth feeling fresh and clean.

Is tooth whitening safe?

Teeth whitening is an exclusive cosmetic treatment that should only be carried out by a dentist or their team. The application of bleaching agents and the use of a well-fitting mouthguard during the procedure require the utmost care to ensure that discomfort and sensitivity to teeth and gums are minimized. Trust your dentist: they have the expertise and professionalism to provide you with a safe and comfortable whitening experience using approved products - including a low-dose concentration of hydrogen peroxide - and a customized tray. This effectively avoids potential complications.

Does tooth whitening - bleaching - work?

Professional teeth whitening treatments, which take place either in a dental practice or under dental supervision at home, are able to improve the color of teeth by several shades. The whitening effect can last between 6-18 months.

Does baking soda whiten teeth? Do teeth whitening strips work?

Baking soda is a popular ingredient in many toothpaste products. It can be said that baking soda can prove effective in removing light stains. Whitening strips are a popular product available in many retail stores. For the best cosmetic results achieved while maintaining the highest quality standards for both patient safety and aesthetic benefits, please contact your dentist for full details of our teeth whitening treatment.

How long does tooth whitening take?

The duration of whitening will depend on your individual case and the type of whitening method you choose. Your dentist can tell you the exact duration of your treatment plan during your initial cosmetic dental treatment consultation. On average, whitening takes 60 minutes, with recommended prior oral hygiene taking around 2 hours in total.

How are teeth whitened with braces?

We recommend that any ongoing orthodontic treatment, such as the fitting of braces, is completed before the start of any cosmetic dental treatment, such as teeth whitening, to ensure the smoothest, most consistent and aesthetically pleasing result.

How long can I eat normally after tooth whitening?

In the first three days after treatment, you must pay particular attention to the risk of discoloration and/or staining that may occur from some foods. We recommend a diet of predominantly "white foods" for these first few days after treatment, including yogurt, milk, cottage cheese, water, cauliflower, celery, turkey, fish, rice, white flour products such as white bread, toast, semolina and pasta.

How often should teeth be whitened?

You shouldn't do this too often. At most once or twice a year, Doz.DrDr. K. Yerit from Praxis Smile4Life in Vienna recommends - regardless of whether you bleach your teeth yourself at home using the home bleaching method or visit a dental practice for this purpose.

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Smile4Life - Dental Practice for Aesthetic Dentistry and Implantology in Vienna: Lumineers, Veneers, Invisalign, implants and more - www.smile4life.at


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