Invisalign Braces for children, teenagers and adults in Vienna

Frequently asked questions

Invisible and effective braces for children, teenagers and adults at the Invisalign Center Vienna!

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Frequently Asked Questions

All information about Invisalign braces for children, teenagers and adults in Vienna!
How does Invisalign work?

Invisalign uses transparent plastic splints to gently move the teeth into the desired position. Step by step, the teeth are moved into the desired position.

How long does the treatment take?

The duration of treatment depends on the individual situation, but usually lasts around 9 to 18 months.

Is Invisalign painful?

Invisalign may cause slight discomfort at the beginning of treatment, but this usually subsides quickly.

Can Invisalign also be used for complex cases?

Yes, Invisalign can also be used for complex malocclusions. After an examination and consultation, we will be able to tell you whether it is suitable for your case.

How much does Invisalign cost in Austria?

The costs of Invisalign® splint therapy are usually comparable to those of traditional fixed braces. In most cases, the price of treatment is between €3,500 and €8,500.

Which health insurance company covers Invisalign?

As a rule, adults do not receive any benefits for orthodontic treatment from statutory health insurance. However, cost coverage for Invisalign is not excluded. Even for children for whom a correction is medically necessary, the GKK does not reimburse the costs of aligner treatment in all cases.

Which is better Invisalign or Dr Smile?

The better choice between Invisalign and DrSmile depends on individual needs and preferences. Invisalign has years of proven results and is often the recommended option for more complex misaligned teeth. DrSmile is more suitable for minor cosmetic problems.

Which is cheaper Invisalign or braces?

Cost: Invisalign is usually cheaper than conventional bracket treatment. The exact costs depend on various factors, such as the severity of the malocclusion and the duration of the treatment.

Is Invisalign effective?

Invisalign is effective in most cases. In difficult cases, it is likely that splints will need to be reordered 1 or 2 times. Further examinations must follow.

How long should you wear Invisalign ?

Mild anterior corrections will take between 3-5 months of treatment, moderate corrections will take around 7-10 months, while more complex corrections can take up to 18 months.

Which health insurance companies cover Invisalign?

Invisalign is not covered by the statutory health insurance companies. This means that you are normally responsible for 100% of the costs, but there are sometimes subsidies available.

How much does a retainer cost?

In most cases, the cost of a retainer must be borne privately and is around 300-400 euros per jaw.

How long does it take for Invisalign® to work?

In most cases, the cost of a retainer must be borne privately and is around 300-400 euros per jaw.

Are Invisalign® braces?

At first glance, Invisalign® may appear to be invisible braces, but they are not. They are actually transparent aligners. Unlike conventional braces, you can take them off when you eat.

How does Invisalign® work?

The Invisalign® system creates a series of clear, removable plastic trays, often referred to as aligners, that are individually customized for a tight fit over your teeth at every step. The magic is in the gentle power of these clear aligners. They push your teeth into place, according to a plan created specifically for you by your dentist or orthodontist.

Can Invisalign® correct an overbite?

An overbite is a dental problem that Invisalign® can remedy well.

What does Invisalign® look like?

Invisalign® aligners are almost invisible, clear trays that adults can wear without anyone noticing. Many people prefer them to conventional braces for this reason. They are made of a strong, special plastic that only Invisalign® uses to ensure they fit perfectly on your teeth.

Can you smoke with Invisalign®?

We strongly advise caution, as smoking can affect the effectiveness of your Invisalign® aligners and their attractive appearance. The aligners could become discolored or change color. The heat from a cigarette could also affect the fit as it can distort the special material they are made from. Our orthodontic experts often recommend that patients consider quitting smoking before starting Invisalign®. That's because we want to make sure your time and money are well invested in maintaining a beautiful smile.

Can I also wear Invisalign at night?

Invisalign must also be worn at night so as not to interrupt and accelerate the treatment process.

How do I care for the Invisalign splints?

The splints can be cleaned with a toothbrush and water. Do not use toothpaste as this can damage the splints.

Are there any side effects with the Invisalign treatment?

Invisalign may temporarily cause slight discomfort such as tenderness, but this usually subsides quickly.

How much does the Invisalign treatment cost?

The costs for the Invisalign treatment vary depending on the individual case. We can provide you with an exact cost estimate after a detailed diagnosis.

Can I eat anything during the Invisalign treatment?

Yes, as the splints are removable, you can eat anything during the Invisalign treatment.

How long does it take to get used to Invisalign ?

The treatment is usually painless. The good news is that this discomfort usually disappears after 2-3 days and you quickly get used to the new splints.

How do you clean Invisalign?

Aligner cleaning: Clean your aligners with a soft toothbrush and a little toothpaste, unscented soap or washing-up liquid. After cleaning, rinse the aligners with cold or lukewarm water and reinsert them.

Are retainers for life?

How long this stabilization is necessary depends on the individual case. In some cases, it is recommended for life.

Is it possible to pay Invisalign in installments?

Yes, you can pay for your Invisalign dental splints in installments without any interest. Please talk to us about this during your consultation.

When will you see the first successes with Invisalign?

The first visible changes usually occur after just a few weeks.

When does health insurance pay for orthodontics for adults?

From the age of 18, the health insurance fund only pays for severe jaw anomalies that are "of an extent that requires combined oral surgery and orthodontic treatment measures". This means that even adults with statutory health insurance have to pay for most dental corrections themselves.

Who is Invisalign not suitable for?

If canines, premolars and incisors are too crooked, Invisalign is probably not the right form of treatment. If there is too little space in the jaw, the teeth may tilt strongly forwards or backwards. If the inclination is too great, treatment with Invisalign is not recommended.

Does Invisalign® hurt?

You may feel a little uncomfortable. If you are concerned about possible pain or discomfort when wearing Invisalign®, please speak to your orthodontist on your next visit to our central London office. We're here to help.

Is Invisalign® worth it? Is Invisalign® a sensible investment?

If you are struggling with mild to moderate orthodontic issues, choosing Invisalign® treatment could be an excellent option if you want to achieve the perfect smile you've always dreamed of. In cases where you have severe or complex dental issues, it is advisable to consult us to determine whether traditional braces or even surgery might be more suitable to align your teeth and improve your smile, personal well-being and confidence. Ultimately, the value of orthodontic treatment will depend on your individual circumstances, including factors such as budget, oral health and lifestyle.

What are invisible braces?

Invisible braces are transparent and almost invisible, like Invisalign®. They work just like regular braces or aligners, but are so clear that no one can tell you're wearing them. Imagine smiling confidently without having to worry about visible metal wires. More and more adults are opting for these invisible friends because they blend in harmoniously and show off your natural smile. It's a refreshing change for anyone who wants to straighten their teeth discreetly and confidently.

Can Invisalign also be used for complex cases?

Yes, Invisalign can also be used for complex malocclusions. After an examination and consultation, we can tell you whether it is suitable for your case.

Can you eat or drink with Invisalign®?

We recommend removing your Invisalign® braces when eating, drinking or brushing your teeth. This keeps them clean and encourages you to wear them for longer.

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